Lending Solutions | Rescue Recapitalisation,
Build Type self build
Lending Solutions | Rescue Recapitalisation,
  • Loan Type: Senior Secured Loan
  • Purpose: Completion of hotel construction and operational expenditure
  • Term: Flexible term to accommodate the hotel’s stabilization and potential sale
  • Special Feature: Built-in contingency and LDI policy underwriting costs

Background: The project found itself in an uncertain position following a series of setbacks, including contractual disputes with the chosen hotel operator and financial strain brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Challenge: Stranded without an over encumbered non-performing loan:and facing an urgent need for additional capital, the project was at a critical juncture. The completion of the remaining hotel rooms and amenities was imperative for progress.

Maslow Capital’s Solution: Leveraging our extensive hospitality and credit experience, our team developed a keen understanding of the asset’s needs and the unique requirements of the project. Maslow structured a purchase of the non-performing loan to meet these needs, with a business plan that included the completion of construction and coverage of crucial operational expenses. Maslow’s support offered the opportunity to rescue the project, enabling the completion of the remaining hotel rooms and securing operational stabilisation.

Adam Baghdadi

Head of Lending Solutions

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