Team in focus series: Q&A with Originator Emma Burke

As part of our ‘Team in focus’ series, we will be holding Q&A sessions with people across our organisation to share the many skills and personalities that we are fortunate enough to have here at Maslow Capital. Our second team member in focus is Emma Burke, who is a member of our Origination Team.

Emma Burke

Emma is a residential and commercial development finance specialist with a proven track record in building business relationships over the last 16 years in both the UK and Ireland. Since her arrival almost two years ago, Emma has proven herself to be a valued member of the Origination Team, proactively working with clients to offer sound solutions, whilst building up an impressive portfolio of positive client references.

How many years have you been working at Maslow and what has been your favourite memory at the company? 

“I have been at Maslow for almost two years. My favourite memory has to be the celebration of our 10th anniversary in Marrakech last December. It was a unbelievable trip and a great team builder.  We have a flat structure at Maslow which encourages a team environment and outside the box thinking.”

How did you get into the real estate finance industry?

My family had a construction company which I worked in from a young age and all the way through university, so I think it was inevitable I would end up working in development finance.”

What do you think differentiates Maslow from other Lenders?  

Without a doubt, Maslow offers certainty to our Borrowers. At the moment Maslow as a team, coupled with the evergreen funding lines we have in place, remain completely focused on supporting our existing clients with their developments to help them navigate the current market. Its critical that Lenders offer certainty and clear communication to borrowers.”

What key challenges do you think the development industry will have to navigate this year and how have today’s challenges changed when compared to what you were seeing 6 months ago?

The biggest challenges for development will be underpinning end values in the short to medium term. I think now more than ever Lenders need to go back to basic parameters of lending and stick to them.”

If you weren’t in real estate finance, what other profession would you like to have been in?

I really enjoy being in real estate…Before my children arrived, I always travelled to 2 or 3 new locations every year…so something involving travel.

What has been keeping you sane during the current Coronavirus lockdown?

Getting to spend extra time with the kids especially in the morning when they are full of beans (and not cranky!!), Netflix, having a BBQ and HIIT

How have you adapted to today’s work from home shift?  

I won’t lie, I find it difficult…I miss the camaraderie of the office and interacting with new and existing clients. I am forcing myself to stick to a strict routine to ensure I get the most from the week. Up at 6.30am and going for a run starts the day right!”

Is there someone in the industry you particularly look up to?  

I’ve been very fortunate to work with some really talented people throughout my career. One of these people once said to me “take the best bits of the good people you come across in business, store them and use them as your own”. That’s always stayed with me. I think it’s important that you always strive to improve and become a better version of yourself. It’s good for yourself and good for the company you work within.

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