Team in focus series: Q&A with Anthony Raud

As part of our ‘Team in focus’ series, we have been holding Q&A sessions with people across our organisation to share the many skills and personalities that we are fortunate enough to have here at Maslow Capital. First up in 2021, we talk to Anthony Raud, who is a member of our Deal Management Team.

Anthony Raud Portrait

Anthony has extensive experience in real estate development and investment finance. Having joined Maslow in 2019, he has quickly established himself as a key member of the team and has become well known for his attention to detail, relationship management and analytical mindset. Prior to joining Maslow, Anthony gained experience at a major Australian bank (ANZ), within the Institutional Property Group.

1. How many years have you been working at Maslow and what has been your favourite memory at the company?

“I have been at Maslow since September 2019. As has been highlighted by others, being lucky enough to celebrate Maslow’s 10th anniversary in Marrakech with the rest of the team was memorable.”

2. How did you get into the real estate finance industry?

“Having done some work experience at a global real estate firm whilst undertaking my university studies, I then subsequently commenced my career in Australia at ANZ Bank. I was fortunate enough to work with and learn from some wonderful people and clients at the bank – which gave me exposure to various components of the business.”

3. What do you think differentiates Maslow from other lenders?  

“The detailed, hardworking and customer focused approach. There is a level of creativity and knowledge within the organisation. Maslow continuing to fund progress draws during the height of the initial lockdown in March/April last year, whilst construction sites in the UK were shut, is an example of this mentality.”

4. What key challenges do you think the development industry will have to navigate this year and how have today’s challenges changed when compared to what you were seeing in 2020?

“Obviously, the focus throughout 2020 was primarily around COVID-19 and questions around Brexit. I suspect the continuation of COVID-19 and how life is going to look economically, along with the level of ongoing government support as the year progresses, will be one of many stories in 2021.

From a development finance perspective, having and obtaining liquidity will be key. It solves for cost overruns, assists navigate supply chain challenges and enables de-risking and protection of asset values by ensuring projects reach Practical Completion. The very long dated funds that Maslow has in place allowed us to launch the Loan Book Liquidity Fund last year, and the positive feedback that was received shows that there is an opportunity to assist both Borrowers and Lenders in these uncertain times.”

5. Being 1 of 2 Australians working at Maslow, what has been the biggest differences between living in Australia compared to the UK?

“Being from Brisbane, it is one of the warmest and humid cities in Australia. A UK winter and the recent lockdown/s have left me in some desperate need of sun and Vitamin D!”

6. What three items would you take with you to a deserted island?

“Good food, cold beer and a golf course would certainly keep me occupied.”

 7. If you weren’t in real estate finance, what other profession would you like to have been in?

“I enjoy working in team environments, interacting with people and delivering successful outcomes for customers. The finance and banking industries have always been of interest to me, so some sort of customer facing role within those areas perhaps.”

8. What are your hobbies outside of work? 

“I love my sport and having plenty of football, rugby and cricket to follow and watch recently has kept me occupied. My personal highlight in the UK to date was being at Edgbaston (in Birmingham) for the Ashes in 2019. I also enjoy listening to podcasts and really look forward to being able to travel and explore both the UK and Europe again.”

9. Is there someone from inside or outside the industry that you particularly look up to? 

“I have been very lucky to meet and work with some great people in Australia and in the UK, many of whom I either work with currently or stay in touch. There isn’t one person per se, however, I try and seek feedback from numerous people and am always striving to improve.”

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